Monday 1 February 2016

Current Reading List For 2016

So for those of you that know me I love reading. Literally I have so many books that I had to put some into storage in our loft because they wouldn't all fit on the bookcase in my room. Having said that since then I have bought a lot more books, oops?

So basically there is a list of books that I might not necessarily have bought yet but I want to read them this year, whether it be in book form or on my iPad. I'm going to try and do an update on this list once a month or once every two months and just update you all on what ones I've read and which books I may have added to the list so here goes. 

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
I have previously read Eleanor & Park and also Fangirl by this author and I could not put them down, she is an absolutely brilliant writer and I really felt a connection to the main character in Fangirl which evidently Carry On is connected too but to find out how you'll just have to read them yourself, because I highly recommend all of Rainbow Rowell's books to you. Also I'd like to add this is the book I'm actually currently reading as this blog post goes up. 

All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher 

Like most people I only heard about Carrie through her brother Tom. But saying that I've grown up with Carrie, what with my childhood obsession with McFly. I absolutely love Carrie I think she's amazing and I'm really looking forward to

Love:Tanya by Tanya Burr

Tanya is actually one of my top 3 Youtubers so I'm ridiculously excited to read this book. It's been out for a while and I've been meaning to buy it but I just didn't get round to it until last month. This is probably going to be next on my list to read after I finish Carry On

Life With A Sprinkle of Glitter by Louise Pentland
Louise is yet another one of my favourite Youtubers. I love how genuine and down-to-earth she is and Darcy is one of the most adorable little girls ever. I cant wait to read this and find out more about Louise.

A Work In Progress by Connor Franta

This book was one that my parents bought me for Christmas, I've not actually watched or heard of much from Connor in a while but I did used to watch his videos regularly so I'm looking forward to reading this.

Username: Evie by Joe Sugg
Joe is one of my favourite people on the internet, I can't really say much more about my excitement for this book to be honest. The Sugg's are two amazingly talented siblings and I envy their creativity, plus Joe is very good looking so that helps.

In Real Life by Joey Graceffa
This book is the same as with the Connor one, my parents bought me it for Christmas and I sort of got out of touch with Joey's Youtube. Definitely going to make a point of catching up on Joey's videos.

The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire by Dan and Phil
Dan and Phil were two of the first Youtubers I ever discovered, their geekiness is what got me hooked, what with me being a huge geek myself. I had a quick flick through the pages of this when I bought it and I can't wait to properly read it.

The Mortal Instruments: City Of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Now I am aware that this is the sixth and final book in a series however I have already read the first five books. I binge read the first five books on my iPad and then I had to wait to get the final book so when I attempted to start reading this one I couldn't seem to get into the storyline. I'm hoping by the time I get round to this book I can sail through it as everyone I know that reads this series has completed all six books and they're getting frustrated with me cause they don't want to spoil the plot for me.

Girl Online and Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg
At this moment in time I physically own Girl Online but not On Tour. I tried reading book one when it was released but I fell out of my 'reading groove' (I can't believe I just called it that) It has been stuck on my book shelf ever since but I do want to give reading it another go.

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