Sunday 14 February 2016

11 Questions Tag

So this is actually a tag I got tagged on in on Tumblr and decided to put it on here instead.
1. What was the last lie you told?
That I'm okay. I'm really not, I'm having a really hard time with things at the moment and I'm under so much stress that I've started getting migraines again which is never a good thing.
2. What is your perfect pizza?
Pepperoni, chicken, chorizo, meatballs and pineapple.
3. If you woke up tomorrow in someone else’s body, who would it be and what would you do?
I feel like it would be Niall Horan just so I could stand in front of a mirror naked all day. Oops?
4. What was your favourite song when you were 12?
Back then I was obsessed with Mcfly so it was one of their songs and I'm pretty sure it was Broccoli. Don't judge me, it's an amazing song 
5. What is your favourite book?
Without any competition it's the Harry Potter books. 
6. If you could relive one moment in your past, what would it be?
I feel like there are a lot but I'm going to go with the first time I was at a concert. It was literally one of the best moments of my life and I hold that memory so close to my heart that I even got a tattoo to have that reminder on show.
7. What is your favourite song lyric?
"Remember when you were my boat and I were your sea? Together we'd float so delicately" It's in Fireworks by You Me At Six and its the prettiest lyrics ever. Actually have a design in my head to get this tattooed onto me. Just gotta get the design drawn out and save up the money.
8. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
Probably crisps with yoghurt. I was a really weird child and I would have a packet of crisps and a pot of yoghurt (usually cherry flavoured) I went through a phase where I would have to use the crisps as my spoon for the yoghurt. It might sound completely disgusting but it actually tasted pretty good. 
9. If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which would you choose?
Probably The Walking Dead, even though I probably wouldn't make it to the end of the month I'd love to kick some zombie arse.
10. Who is your ultimate favourite fictional character?
I have too many. Draco Malfoy (obviously from Harry Potter), Cather Avery (from Fangirl) Jace Wayland (from The Mortal Instruments) are the main three though.
11. What is your favourite fanfic?
I have read a hell of a lot of fanfiction over the years but there's only really two that have properly stuck with me and stood out. They stood out so much that I downloaded them as PDF and had them made into books so I could put them on my bookshelf. They are These Inconvenient Fireworks which is a Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson fanfic (with a side portion of Zayn Malik/Liam Payne) and the second is called Starts With A Spin which is a Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy fanfic.

So that was my answers, feel free to take these questions and put your own answers to them :)

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