Saturday 6 January 2018

My Bullet Journal 2018

First off let me say a huge Happy New Year to you all!

So I had never heard of a bullet journal until Leigh told me she was going to do one for 2018 and I asked her what they hell it was. When she explained what it was and showed me, I thought it was a really good idea and I’d love to do it myself, but I would probably forget about it a couple of months in. A week or so later after seeing Leigh pin page ideas for her journal to her board on Pinterest, I caved and ordered myself one. I’ve not finished adding pages yet, but my main ones that I needed finished for January 1st are done and so far it’s going well, which is a promising start to the new year.

Really this post is all about what sort of pages I’ve added so far in my journal, to give you some ideas if you’re thinking of starting one yourself.

Saving goals

So I'm the worst at saving for anything and I don't think it's ever helped that I've never kept track of how much I'm saving and what I'm saving for. I got some ideas for how to set out my saving goals page in my journal and I found loads on Pinterest but I went for quite a simple one and so far I've only got three things I need to save for - I have a fourth thing but that's not happening until 2023.

Series Tracker

I'm constantly losing track of where I am with the TV shows I watch (the ones not  necessarily watched through Netflix and NowTV). This is the perfect way to keep track of what episode of each show and season I'm up to, plus I get to add loads of colour


I always have a calendar where I write down any birthdays/anniversaries but its nice to have all the important birthdays all on one page, and at least I have no way of forgetting them now...


Everyone that knows me knows how much I love Disney films, and to be very honest I don't think there are any that I haven't seen (not including ones released last year). For some of the films I've seen them hundreds of times (like The Little Mermaid) and for others I haven't seen them since I was a child (like The Sword in the Stone). So I made myself a deal that I will re-watch all my favourite Disney films in 2018, and once I've watched I colour the box in so I know that one is essentially ticked off the list. This is one of the pages I've not finished yet though so excuse the lack of films.

When did I last...

I'm not good at keeping track of things (as the previous pages are proving) so this page is just a little reminder of basic things that I need to remember to do more often, because my problem is I'll go to do it then think 'oh I only did that a week ago' when in fact I haven't done it for two months. So far I only have three things on my list, but I've made a good start by writing down my first date - as on Wednesday I changed my bedding (goodbye Christmas, hello unicorns)

Christmas gift list

Because you can never be too organised when it comes to Christmas and even though it's only January, I've already bought the first Christmas gift for Christmas 2018, I've just not written it in yet so that I could take the picture for this post. I kind of did this in 2017 but instead of it being an organised list like this it was a notebook full of pages of random scribbles of maybe presents and actual presents. I also need to add some colour to this page and maybe some holly to make it more festive.

Mood tracker

I saw a few different designs of mood trackers on Pinterest and in general I think they're an amazing idea for people like me who automatically feel like they have more bad days than good, this way I can track each day how I've felt overall and at the end of the month/year I can properly see. And obviously as this is me the Disney theme instantly caught my eye and was a must

Wish List

Whenever it gets to around September/October time I have multiple people asking me what I want for Christmas, and where I'm always put on the spot I have no idea, then I struggle to think of things. With this I can start adding things that I want and won't necessarily buy for myself, then when people ask me I can just tell them things from this page

Movies to Watch

I decided I want to watch new films this year and not just re-watch all the movies I've watched over and over. So I've started making a list of films that I want to watch but have never actually got round to watching (side note though; I have actually seen the first 5 Star Wars films that were released, but as a kid I hated them and I can't remember them so I'm going to re-watch those and then I can watch the whole series and maybe see what all the fuss is about)


I saw a post on Facebook a few weeks ago that said if you watch one Marvel movie a week starting 1st week of January, you can watch all the current films by the time Avengers: Infinity War is released in cinemas... and if that isn't a challenge I just have to accept then I don't know what is

Habit Trackers

I've done the same for all 12 months of the year on this (except each month has a different colour) as I feel as though keeping track of when I've actually done something will; 1) remind me to do it and 2) motivate me to do it

Books to read

I know I have a Goodreads account where I keep track of what I've read and what I want to read but with that I find that the books I added the longest time ago just get lost and I read the newer books I find and forget about the older ones. So as well as continuing tracking on Goodreads I've made a list of some of the books I want to definitely read in 2018

30-Day Abs challenge

One of my goals for 2018 is to stay motivated enough to do exercise regularly and stick to a routine and every time I decide that, I rush into full on intense workouts and after a few weeks I can't keep up anymore. This time round I'm going to try a different approach and start off for a while with just a simple 30-day challenge to give me a kick start before I move on to more intense exercise.

Places I want to go

This won't be a huge list, and it won't include every place I want to go in my lifetime. But just this small list of little places, like museums, is a list that will be achievable to make happen in 2018

Random pages throughout

I'm going to include a few of these random pages throughout the journal where it isn't actually something I do, just something to break up all the lists

Weight Loss Tracker

For this I've already put in the hexagons my starting weight and the weight I want to reach (not necessarily this year because I have a long way to go for my final goal weight) as I lose the pounds I'll colour in the hexagons and I've made smaller goals along the way, and as I reach these points I'll give myself little rewards (just ones that don't involve junk food). Obviously as you can see I've beautifully covered the numbers with a very high-tech editing program (thanks Microsoft Paint)

There are a lot more pages I want to add but so far I've not had the chance to add them, some of the other pages I want to include are a page with my 2018 goals, future blog post ideas, eye shadow palette log, playlist ideas, lyric/quote pages, healthy food list and there is still more after those.

Let me know if you're also doing a bullet journal and want to share some other page ideas that I've not mentioned above - I'm always open to new ideas. 

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