Monday 19 September 2016

Pokemon Go Book Tag

So I saw this tag on my friend's blog ( but she got the tag from

As books and Pokemon are two of my favourite things I felt it only right I do this tag too...

The Harry Potter books were the first set of books that I properly got hooked on, obviously in school I had read other books but none that stuck with me the way these did. So for that reason I'm forever grateful to J.K. Rowling.

My all time favourite classic will always be Pride and Prejudice. The story is perfection and I love every adaptation of the story... and by that I mean the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies as well as Vampire Darcy's Desire.

This one is a shame because I really liked the sound of this story. When they released the film of this I really wanted to see it but I am one of those people who can't see the film until they've read the book. So hence the reason this book is still sitting on my bookshelf unread.

Carry On reminds me a little of Harry Potter but I could not put the book down and I'm dying to read it again. The only reason I haven't read it again yet is because I have so many unread books on my 'little' list.

So if you know me well you'll know how much I love Darren Shan's books. His most recent series however I have not yet started just because of how many there are. I have them all ready to go on my phone iBooks but I can't bring myself to start them until all my other books are read.

On The Island was a book I found by chance on the Apple store and I thought I'd give it a go, only to be hooked on it. I started reading it and could not put it down until I finished it...... at 4am.

I have a fair few book OTP's, some are actually in the stories and some are only real in fanfictions (*cough* Drarry *cough*) I think my main book OTP though is Magnus and Alec in The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. They are the most perfect couple and I'm so in love with them.

Red Queen is a new trilogy that I'm hooked on. I'm currently reading the second book and waiting (impatiently) for the third to be released. Red Queen has so many twists that you will be on the edge of your seat and near the end there is a turn so unexpected you'll probably fall off your seat.

Anything connected to the Shadowhunter world. My obsession started out with a small-ish 6 book series and that has now turned into; 6 book series, a prequel triolgy, a sequel triolgy (still in progress), two novella, another prequel trilogy (in the works) and another spin-off series based off my favourite character.

The Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix is AMAZING. Now when I read them I was not expecting them to be that good, I'd never heard of the author and I didn't know anyone else who had read them. However, I read them and was pleasantly surprised.

So over the last few months I've heard a lot of amazing things about the Throne of Glass series of books. Everyone I know who has read them has nothing bad to say which makes me a bit sceptical, that being said I really like the sound of the story and I'm still excited to read this series.

There are so many collector editions of the Harry Potter books but the one in the picture below is the one I want most. The only thing that was frustrate me is that book 1 in this particular set is 'Sorcerers Stone' and me being British I'm happy with it being 'Philosopher's Stone'

This book was released earlier this year but I've not had a chance to read this one yet, but I'm so excited for this novel. This is going on my Christmas list and hopefully someone will get me it. Not that I've been hinting or anything...

My auto-buy authors are definitely J.K Rowling, Cassandra Clare and Darren Shan. They could write a 600 page book about slugs and I would still read it. And yes that is a picture of me with Darren Shan, he's one of the loveliest people you'll ever meet.


 This one is easy. When I was about nine years old and I had just started getting into reading books with vampires and witches, my sister gave me 9 books - The Night World books. I fell in love with them instantly - one major problem; it's been about 14 years since I first read these books AND I AM STILL WAITING FOR THE FINAL BOOK TO BE RELEASED!!! Me and my sister talk about this more often than is probably healthy and stress about just how annoyed we are that the tenth book hasn't been released yet. We NEED to know how this story ends, it's tearing us apart from the inside. I really hope L.J.Smith hurries up with this book because I don't think I can wait another 14 years for this finale.

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